Ford, G. (2012). Red-letter day for the Chinese and the whole world, Tribune, 6 April.
Ford, G. (2012). Stand up now for a European socialist alternative, Tribune, 9 March.
Ford, G. (2012). A country caught between a rock and a hard place, Tribune, 10 February.
Ford, G. (2011). Military alerts follow Kim Jong Il’s death, but Korea opportunity for engagement may come knocking, Tribune, 23 December.
Ford, G. (2011). Foot, Blair, NEC crazy gang and Voltaire’s Candide, Tribune, 9 December.
Glyn Ford (2011). Letter to Tribune, 25 November.
Glyn Ford (2011). Korea opportunities – will China make Pyongyang safe for Market Leninism?, 4 November.
Ford, G. (2011). This roadmap gives directions for the comeback trail, Tribune, 4 November.
Ford, G. (2011). Hawaii Five-O – surfers want to book ’em, Danno, Tribune, 21 October.
Book review: Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective – Ha-Joon Chang
Ford, G. (2011). Playing snakes and ladders: the sneaky little lies of free market economics, Tribune, 14 October.