Ford, G. (1979). Axeman’ Heseltine threat to local authorities – but Labour’s response is muted, Tribune, 1 December.
Ford, G. (1979). TAMESIDE: local election light in the general election gloom, Tribune, 11 May.
Ford, G. (1979). TAMESIDE: The score Labour has to settle, Tribune, 27 April.
Ford, G. (1978). Safeguards ‘manifesto’, Tribune, 1 December.
Ford, G. (1976). Obsession with Stalin, Tribune, 23 January.
Ford, G. (1975). Lebanon: who profits from continuing conflict?, Tribune, 14 November.
Glyn Ford (1975). Lebanon and the next few months, Tribune, 14 November.
Ford, G. (1975). Environmentalism and Reaction, Tribune, 14 May.
Glyn Ford (N.D). Polling blues when voters see red, Tribune,.
Ford, G. (no date) Tribune Column.