Ford, G. (2019). A socialist in rapids of revolution, Chartist, July/August.
Ford, G. (2019). Hangover of Empire, Chartist, July/August.
Costello, P. and Ford, G. (2019). Labour renewing the European left, Chartist, May/June. When – or even whether – the UK leaves the European Union,…
Keith Bennett, (2019). Fifty Shades of Grey, Chartist 298, May/June.
Book Review: One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy – Carol Anderson
Ford, G. (2019). Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression, Chartist, March/April.
Ford, G. (2018). Redemption, Chartist, July/August
Ford, G. (2018). The Pyongyang Paradox, Chartist, July/August.
Ford, G. (2016). BREXIT – What do we want and how do we get it?, Chartist, November/December.
Andy Morton (2014). A European future, Chartist, January/February.
Ford, G. (2014). Not coming in from the cold, Chartist, January/February.