Ford, G. (2021). Facism, freedom and the Spanish Civil War, Chartist, March/April.
Ford, G. (2021). A Marxian biologist losing his way, Chartist, January/February.
Ford, G. (2021). Biden in the UK, Chartist, January/February.
Ford, G. (2020). Learning Japanese, Chartist, November/December.
Ford, G. (2020). Review: Becoming George Orwell; Life and Letters, Legacy and Legend – John Rodden & Orwell; A Man of Our Time – Richard…
Ford, G. (2020). Improvising politics on the European Stage, Chartist, September/October.
Glyn Ford (2020). Back to the future?, Chartist, September/October.
Ford, G. (2020). On guard in the East End, Chartist, March/April.
Ford, G. (2019). Avarice and ideology, Chartist, November/December.
Ford, G. (2019). A shape-shifting ghostly creed, Chartist, September/October.