Glyn Ford (2022), History’s trajectory, Chartist, January/February.
Book review: On Burnley Road: Class, Race and Politics in a Northern English Town – Mike Makin-Waite
Glyn Ford (2021). None so blind…, Chartist, November/December.
Glyn Ford (2021), Traffic light at go, Chartist, November/December.
Glyn Ford (2021). Germany goes Green or goes nowhere?, Chartist, September/October.
Ford, G. (2021). The Funeral of America, Chartist, September/October.
Glyn Ford (2021). What role for the Parliament in Europe’s future?, Chartist: Europe Special, July/August.
Ford, G. (2021). A welcome requiem for the English Empire?, Chartist, May/June.
Ford, G. (2021). Facism, freedom and the Spanish Civil War, Chartist, March/April.
Ford, G. (2021). A Marxian biologist losing his way, Chartist, January/February.
Ford, G. (2021). Biden in the UK, Chartist, January/February.