Ford, G. (2014). Not coming in from the cold, Chartist, January/February.
Ford, G. (2013). Nightmare Range by Martin Limon, Asian Review of Books, 18 October. Martin Limón spent twenty years in the U.S. Army—half of that…
Ford, G. (2013) “Realism and the impossible state,” Tribune, 8 March, p. 15.
Ford, G. (2012). The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future by Victor Cha, Asian Review of Books, 7 December. Victor Cha was the Director…
Ford, G. (2012). The Joy Brigade by Martin Limon, Asian Review of Books, 22 August. The is the eighth outing for Sergeant George Sueno of…
Ford, G. (2012). Pacific Gibraltar by William Michael Morgan, Asian Review of Books, 1 March. Despite the title, this is a history of Hawaii in…
Glyn Ford (2011). Korea opportunities – will China make Pyongyang safe for Market Leninism?, 4 November.
Ford, G. (2011). Hawaii Five-O – surfers want to book ’em, Danno, Tribune, 21 October.
Book review: Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective – Ha-Joon Chang
Ford, G. (2011). Playing snakes and ladders: the sneaky little lies of free market economics, Tribune, 14 October.
Ford, G. (2011). The march of the new far right in Western democracies, Tribune, 15 April.