Ford, G. (1984). Review: The Japanese Mind – Robert C. Christopher, New Statesman, May.
Ford, G. (1984). Review: Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science – William Broad & Nicholas Wade, New Statesman, 24…
Ford, G. (1983). Revealing Illness: Radical Science in Japan, Science for People, Winter.
Ford, G. (1983). Review: Geophysics in the Affairs of Man – C. Bates, T. Gaskell, R. Rice, New Scientist, 13 October.
Ford, G. (1983). Unique perspective on seabed nodule mining, Marine Policy, October.
Ford, G. (1983). Indian marine technology policy, Marine Policy, April.
Ford, G. (1982). Labour needs a science policy, Tribune, 26 November.
Ford, G. and Georghiou, Luke (1982). Energy: the hot and cold solution, South, November.
Glyn Ford, Christ Niblett, Lindsay Walker (1982). What happens when you stick a big toe in the ocean, Guardian, 27 August.
Ford, G. (1982). Review: Kew: Gardens for Science and Pleasure – ed. F. Nigel Hepper, New Statesman, 20 August.