Glyn Ford, (1989). Speech as British Labour Group Leader to the Labour Party Annual Conference, Brighton.
Glyn Ford and Julian Priestley. (1989). We can open a second front in Europe, Tribune, 23 June.
Ford, G. and Carole Tongue (1989). Labour in Europe, Morning Star, 20 June.
Glyn Ford & Carole Tongue, (1989). Common Market challenge for the ‘party of Europe’, Morning Star, 20 June.
Ford, G. (1988). Beyond the nation state, Tribune, 4 November.
Ford, G. (1988) “1992,” Firefighter, 1 November, p. 16.
Glyn Ford (1988). Meeting the challenge of Europe’s internal market, North West Times, 3 October.
Ford, G. (1988) From the European House.
Ford, G. (1987). Reassessing the pioneers, Tribune, 9 September.
Ford, G. and Broda, C. (1987) “GegenRassismus und Fremdenhaß in Europa,” in Asylrecht ist menschenrecht: Internationales symposium in memoriam christian broda. Basel, Wien: C.E.D.R.I, pp….