Ford, G. (2021). Biden in the UK, Chartist, January/February.
The timing of the Brexit deal was designed to allow minimum scrutiny and maximum gasps of relief. David Martin & Glyn Ford (2020). Why Labour…
Ford, G. (2012). Lost in the forest, Europe needs some direction, China Daily, 10 December.
Ford, G. (2020). Improvising politics on the European Stage, Chartist, September/October.
Glyn Ford (2020), Brexitballs?, King of the Kippax, 266, February.
Glyn Ford (2019). The EU and lifting the shadow of nuclear proliferation, The Progressive Post 12, Summer/Autumn.
Ford, G. (2019). Hangover of Empire, Chartist, July/August.
Costello, P. and Ford, G. (2019). Labour renewing the European left, Chartist, May/June. When – or even whether – the UK leaves the European Union,…
Glyn Ford, (2019). Letter to Guardian, 6 January.
Ford, G. (2017) “Pyongyang defiant, the US reviews its strategy, the world holds its breath,” Tribune, 21 April, p. 8.