Ford, G. (2012) “Uncle Sam turns up the heat in the Caribbean,” Tribune, 15 June, p. 19.
Ford, G. (2012). The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson, Asian Review of Books, 16 May. Adam Johnson, who teaches creative writing at Stanford University,…
Ford, G. (2012). Kim Jong-il: North Korea’s Dear Leader by Michael Breen, Asian Review of Books, 10 March. Michael Breen’s book is subtitled, “Who he is,…
Ford, G. (2012). Pacific Gibraltar by William Michael Morgan, Asian Review of Books, 1 March. Despite the title, this is a history of Hawaii in…
Ford, G. (2012). A country caught between a rock and a hard place, Tribune, 10 February.
Ford, G. (2012). Tibet: A History by Sam Van Schaik, Asian Review of Books, 8 February. Sam Van Schaik, a lecturer at London’s School of…
Ford, G. (2011). Foot, Blair, NEC crazy gang and Voltaire’s Candide, Tribune, 9 December.
Glyn Ford (2011). Korea opportunities – will China make Pyongyang safe for Market Leninism?, 4 November.
Ford, G. (2011). Hawaii Five-O – surfers want to book ’em, Danno, Tribune, 21 October.
Book review: Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective – Ha-Joon Chang
Ford, G. (2011). Playing snakes and ladders: the sneaky little lies of free market economics, Tribune, 14 October.