Ford, G. (2015). Japan and the Shackles of the Past by R Taggart Murphy, Asian Review of Books, 3 June. This is a book that…
Ford, G. (2015) “Is the UK heading for the EU ausfahrt?,” Tribune, 17 April, p. 25.
Ford, G. (2015). The East Is Black: Cold War China in the Black Radical Imagination by Robeson Taj Frazier, Asian Review of Books, 5 March….
Ford, G. (2015). Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys Into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East by Gerard Russell, Asian Review of Books, 10 January….
Ford, G. (2014). In paperback: China Goes Global: The Partial Power by David Shambaugh, Asian Review of Books, 24 December. This American-authored book attempts an…
Ford, G. (2014) “Lifting the veil on US surveillance,” Tribune, 17 October, p. 21.
Ford, G. (2014) “Finding a literary voice and a new language,” Tribune, 17 October, p. 20.
Ford, G. (2014). Everyday Life in the North Korean Revolution, 1945-1950 by Suzy Kim, Asian Review of Books, 27 July. Suzy Kim uses as the…
Ford, G. (2014). North Korea: State of Paranoia by Paul French, Asian Review of Books, 3 June. Paul French’s North Korea is unusual in that it is both…
Ford, G. (2014) “Book review: A Haven from Hitler by Heini Gruffudd,” Tribune, 30 May, p. 18.