Ford, G. (1993) Review: Shigeru Nakayama – Science, Technology and Society in Postwar Japan, Japan Forum, 5(1), April.
Glyn Ford & Marialaura De Angelis (2021). Japan’s next leader has a chance to reshape the country’s North Korea policy, NK News, 27 September. Tokyo…
Glyn Ford (2021). G7 countries made a dangerous and unhelpful statement on North Korea, NK News, 7 May. G7 countries made a dangerous and unhelpful…
Ford, G. (2020). Learning Japanese, Chartist, November/December.
Ford, G. (2017). “Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War” by Susan Southard, Asian Review of Books, 6 January. In 1946, John Hersey published the first account…
Ford, G. (2016). “Japanese Society and the Politics of the North Korean Threat” by Seung Hyok Lee, Asian Review of Books, 4 September. Japanese Society…
Ford, G. (2015). Japan and the Shackles of the Past by R Taggart Murphy, Asian Review of Books, 3 June. This is a book that…
Ford, G. (2013) “Japanese are caught between rocks and a hard place,” Tribune, 22 March, pp. 14–15.
Glyn Ford (2011). Trading places, Parliament Magazine, 13 June.
Glyn Ford (2011). Missing the boat?, Parliament Magazine, 7 March.