Glyn Ford (1991). Speech as EPLP leader, Labour Party Annual Conference, 1 October.
Ford, G. (1991) “Labour in Europe,” The House Magazine, 30 September, pp. 17–18.
Ford, G. (1991) Britain and the New World Order.
Interview by Simon Horner, September/October 1991.
Ford, G. and Horner, S. (1991) “There is a rising tide of racism sweeping across Europe’ says Glyn FORD,” The Courier. 129th edn, 1 September,…
Ford, G. (1991). Poor wars, Tribune, 30 August.
Glyn Ford (1991), Sotto il Segno del Giappone, Nuova Rassegna Sindacale, 5 August.
Ford, G. (1991) “Europe, the Gulf and the New World Order.,” Rassegnia, 27 January, pp. 1–3.
Ford, G. (1991). Review: Neo-Fascism in Europe – Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson, Michalina Vaughan (eds.), Tribune, 14 June.
Glyn Ford (1991), Nietzsche was Right; Twice, New Scientist, 8 June.