Ford, G. (2006). If they ruled the world? Soon we’ll find out, Tribune, 29 September.
Glyn Ford (2006). China goes on to the west, Korea Herald, 3 August.
Glyn Ford (2006). Letter: Don’t overreact to North Korea, Guardian, 10 July.
Ford, G. (2006). Double standards apply to dictators, Tribune, 7 July.
Glyn Ford (2006), Letter: The English Holocaust, Prospect Magazine, 26 June. Manneken Pis mocks Philippe Douste-Blazy, the French foreign minister (June), for asking where the commemoration was…
Ford, G. (2006). Visionary, pioneer, scientist and Stalinist, Tribune, 2 June.
Glyn Ford, Charles Tannock, Andy Darmoo (2006). Letter: Iraq’s Christians face ethnic cleansing, Independent, 24 May.
Glyn Ford and Soyung Kwon (2006). Inside the world of North Korean Comics, Inside Asia, May-June.
Ford, G. (2006). Tiger skins in China, EU Reporter, 24 April.
Ford, G. (2006). China: rhetoric and the reality, Tribune, 14 April.