Ford, G. (2013). Burmese daze, Tribune, 5 April.
Glyn Ford (2013). How Franco visited terror on the left, Tribune, P19.
Ford, G. (2013) “Japanese are caught between rocks and a hard place,” Tribune, 22 March, pp. 14–15.
Glyn Ford (2013). Harbouring tension, Parliament Magazine, 18 March.
Ford, G. (2013) “Realism and the impossible state,” Tribune, 8 March, p. 15.
Ford, G. (2013) A Drop of Chinese Blood by James Church, Asian Review of Books, 28 January. A Drop of Chinese Blood is the fifth foray…
Ford, G. (2013). Mizzle rebels with cause, Tribune, 25 January.
Ford, G. (2013). Ever closer?, Spokesman 119.
Ford, G. (2012). Presidential battle nears end, Tribune, 14 December.
Ford, G. (2012). The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future by Victor Cha, Asian Review of Books, 7 December. Victor Cha was the Director…