Speech produced mid 2020 for World Korean Forum in Moscow on 29 October 2020. The seeds of this year’s crisis on the Peninsula were sown…
Glyn Ford (2020). Why There Are Few Good Options If Kim Jong-un Were to Die, National Interest, May 11. Kim’s death will be when it’s…
Ford, G. (2020). Book Review: “A Team of Their Own: How an International Sisterhood Made Olympic History”, 38 North, 17 April. Seth Berkman’s A Team of…
Ford, G. (2020). “The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War: The Untold History” by Monica Kim, Asian Review of Books, 14 April. Ideology grappled geography…
Ford, G. (2020). On guard in the East End, Chartist, March/April.
Juhea Kim, (2020). Millennial dictator: Theories about North Korea, Times Literary Supplement, 21 February. THE GREAT SUCCESSOR: The secret rise and rule of Kim Jong…
Glyn Ford (2020), Brexitballs?, King of the Kippax, 266, February.
Ford, G. (2019). Revisiting Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Address: Missed Signals and Opportunities in 2019, 38 North, 23 December. It’s that time of year…
Ford, G. (2019). North Korea Journal: Michael Palin looks back on an orchestrated trip to world’s most mysterious country, South China Morning Post, 26 November….
Ford, G. (2019). Avarice and ideology, Chartist, November/December.