Ford, G. (1979). TAMESIDE: local election light in the general election gloom, Tribune, 11 May.
Ford, G. (1979). TAMESIDE: The score Labour has to settle, Tribune, 27 April.
Glyn Ford (1979). Demolishing a Whale, Resurgence, March/April.
Ford, G. and Gibbons, M. (1979) “Whose Nodules Are They?,” PREST, 24 March, pp. 631–633.
James Glyn Ford (1979). Prince Peter Kropotkin and the Channel Islands, Guernsey Historical Monograph No. 19.
Ford, G. (1978). Safeguards ‘manifesto’, Tribune, 1 December.
Letter: Capital and Darwin, Socialist Challenge, November 1978.
Ford, G. (1978). Science in Society: Even the Truth is Relative, Socialist Review, July-August. Response to this article in the September issue from Duncan Hallas:
Ford, G. (1978). Nuclear Power is Anti-Democratic, Between Ourselves, June.
Ford, G. (1978-79) A Framework for a New View of Islamic Science, in Dakkak, O. (ed.) Adiyat Halab, Aleppo: University of Aleppo, pp. 68-74.