Echo (no date) “Bidding.”
(no date) “SOS Racisme holds successful conference,” p. 13.
Tameside News (no date) “Planning for Prosperity,” p. 4.
Vassart, C. and Ford, G. (no date) “Un front uni des démocrates,” Le Vif/L’Express.
Bréhier, T. (no date) “Le Parlement euroéen a manqué l’occasion de débattre de la lutte contre le racisme,” Le Monde.
Ford, G. (no date) The Break-up of Britain – Tom Nairn.
Ford, G. (no date) Poisoners of the Seas, K. A. Gourlay.
Ford, G. (no date) “Too prescient for his time,” Tribune, p. 18.
GMB (no date) Fight for the Living. GMB.
(no date) “British chocolate gets EU blessing.”