Letter: Capital and Darwin, Socialist Challenge, November 1978.
Ford, G. (1978). Science in Society: Even the Truth is Relative, Socialist Review, July-August. Response to this article in the September issue from Duncan Hallas:
Ford, G. (1978). Nuclear Power is Anti-Democratic, Between Ourselves, June.
Ford, G. (1978-79) A Framework for a New View of Islamic Science, in Dakkak, O. (ed.) Adiyat Halab, Aleppo: University of Aleppo, pp. 68-74.
Ford, G. (1978). Review: Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study – Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Gazelle Review, No. 4.
Ford, G. (1977). Environmental Socialism, does it exist?, Leeds Weekly Citizen, 10 June.
Ford, G. (1977). Galileo’s Tidal Theory: A Partial Vindication, Socialist Commentary, June. Also in New Scientist, 23-30 December.
Ford, G. (1977) “Libya – Land of Lost Opportunities,” Socialist Commentary, 1 June, pp. 20–21.
Ford, G. (1976) Conservation News, 1 September, p. 10.
Ford, G. (1976). Obsession with Stalin, Tribune, 23 January.