Glyn Ford (2021). G7 countries made a dangerous and unhelpful statement on North Korea, NK News, 7 May. G7 countries made a dangerous and unhelpful…
Ford, G. (2021). A welcome requiem for the English Empire?, Chartist, May/June.
Ford, G. (2021). Facism, freedom and the Spanish Civil War, Chartist, March/April.
Ford, G. (2021). A powder keg of moral corruption, New African, February/March.
Ford, G. (2021): Attack at Chosin: The Chinese Second Offensive in Korea, Asian Affairs. There were at least three Korean Wars. The first was a civil…
Glyn Ford, (2021). ‘If there was hope, it must lie with the proles’, Spokesman, 148.
Ford, G. (2021). A Marxian biologist losing his way, Chartist, January/February.
Ford, G. (2021). Biden in the UK, Chartist, January/February.