Ford, G. (2011). Military alerts follow Kim Jong Il’s death, but Korea opportunity for engagement may come knocking, Tribune, 23 December.
Ford, G. (2011). Foot, Blair, NEC crazy gang and Voltaire’s Candide, Tribune, 9 December.
Glyn Ford (2011). Letter to Tribune, 25 November.
Glyn Ford (2011). Korea opportunities – will China make Pyongyang safe for Market Leninism?, 4 November.
Ford, G. (2011). This roadmap gives directions for the comeback trail, Tribune, 4 November.
Ford, G. (2011). Hawaii Five-O – surfers want to book ’em, Danno, Tribune, 21 October.
Book review: Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective – Ha-Joon Chang
Ford, G. (2011). Playing snakes and ladders: the sneaky little lies of free market economics, Tribune, 14 October.
Ford, G. (2011). Pyongyang goes back to the party, The Newsletter, 58, Autumn/Winter.
Glyn Ford (2011). Letter to Tribune, 30 September.
Ford, G. (2011). Darwin, God and Man – accident on which jury is out, Tribune, 23 September.