Glyn Ford (1992). Speech as EPLP leader, Labour Party Annual Conference, 28 September.
Ford, G., 1992. Now Let’s Clear the Next Hurdle. The House Magazine, pp.16-17.
Ford, G. (1992). Let’s work together for a socialist Europe, Tribune, 25 September.
Ford, G. (1992). Speedy process, Tribune, 9 April.
Ford, G. (1992). Jamboree starts race for the White House, Oldham Evening Chronicle, 5 August.
Ford, G. (1992). Willy and the wall, Tribune, 24 July.
Ford, G. (1992). Labour’s Future if it Loses, Tribune, 24 July.
Ford, G. (1992). Delors’s ugly duckling, Tribune, 19 June.
Ford, G. (1992) “Euro Briefing,” Labour Party News. 27th edn, 1 January, p. 28.
Manchester Magazine, 1992. Experience shopping the European way!. pp.24-25.